The world is constantly changing, don’t get left behind!
The latest in mass metrology products is going through what we would call “a new approach” and new technologies are being introduced that far surpass anything you can get locally.
Not just because they are imported products or because they are from the USA, but because the measuring equipment (including mass comparators) is made to standards that are above the legal parameters and requirements stipulated by international standards.
Once you know this, get ready! Because we will introduce you to some metrology equipment and mass comparators with state-of-the-art technology endorsed by international experts who have even lectured on them and that we at First Technology bring to you.
Advantages of Radwag scales compared to other brands
The offer of scales and mass comparators on the market can be wide, but when it comes to Radwag digital scales and mass comparators of this same brand there is a whole world of difference, defined by its manual, automatic, robotic, scalable functionalities and compatibility to be connected with other equipment and create more complete weighing systems.
Manual mass comparators
The manual mass comparators are a very popular option and in professional forums discuss about them, where they stand out for the fact that they allow the calibration of the largest mass standards, even for metrology of several thousand kilograms.
And for Radwag mass comparators, we have that their high range of equipment gives them superior advantages because they are calibrated for better repeatability and lower uncertainties, but still have software that allows them to connect with other equipment and create a whole system of measurement process, and reducing errors.
Radwag automatic mass comparators
There are clear differences in measuring scales, and looking for differences or similarities between automatic mass comparators and manual mass comparators is inevitable. Where automatic balances represent the highest class equipment as far as mass measurement and metrology is concerned.
These are professional level mass comparators with mass standards from 1mg to 1000g, with lower repeatability for higher accuracy of the automatons. On the other hand, thanks to the automation of the calibration processes, the calibration uncertainty is much lower.
With Radwag automatic mass comparators, you can improve your processes by eliminating the human factor and reducing the resulting error. (Purchase them on the First Technology website).
Applications for automatic mass comparators
Automatic mass comparators are high-level equipment and have standards well above national standards, helping the companies that implement and use them to qualify for import requirements.
This is because they exclude common errors caused by the human factor, including eccentricity error, automatic and uncertainty-free calibrations, automatic comparison of mass standards and integrated software (RMCS software) that is configurable so that the automatic mass comparators provide information to the user as the process occurs.