Industrial balances, also known as scales, in technical terms are called weighing instruments, which are characterized by measuring in metric units and by their precision at the time of doing so with minimal effort.
Currently, in the industry, this instrument is used quite widely, to measure the reception of inputs and raw materials, in the middle of the process it is also used to evaluate losses and measurements are made, and in the final product to know the result.
The Scales or “measuring instruments” can be small to measure a few grams (maintaining incredible precision, where the error that can appear in the results only comes from the operator). As well as those scales the size of a platform wide enough to weigh cars and trucks.
From what we have seen so far, scales are implicit in many aspects of the industry that are not always obvious to everyone, but they fulfill an essential function for the different processes, as well as for the calculation of production levels.
And while a scale can greatly define the profitability of a company’s production, there are ways to know if these instruments are giving correct results, and this is through the calibration of the measuring instruments.
Radwag scales distributed at First Technology have weighing systems for each user, and are the most accurate on the market. Know more by clicking here.

How is the calibration of an industrial scale carried out?
Well, the first thing to keep in mind is that this process of calibration of the scales is that this must be done regularly, correctly and with metrological traceability in order to know the precision of the weighing instrument used, which in this case is the scale.
In calibrating an industrial scale, we must consider the following:
First we have the scale calibration test, which has been mentioned as the procedure through which the precision with which the weighing instrument performs its work is confirmed.
Once it has been defined that this work must be carried out, preparations begin.
The preparations in the calibration refers to all those pre-conditions that must be fulfilled for the test to be carried out successfully. This includes knowing the technical specifications of the instrument.
Once the preparation requirements are met, the weighing test is carried out, placing the load in different places on the weighing plate, in order to know if there are differences in the result of the weighing offered by the scale when placing the load in different places.
In this way you can establish the place where the measurements should be made (many weighing errors are caused by placing the load in a location outside the center of the plate) and then perform repetitions to ensure that there is an error.
If the weighing instrument gives an error, the calibration is carried out, placing loads on the plate (these loads have precise weights specified and guaranteed by an external entity) where the scale must give as a result the weight that each load indicates.
This test includes placing a load with the minimum weight stipulated by the scale and measuring it accurately (taking into account the percentage of error of the scale).
After having carried out the calibration with the loads, a second weighing test is carried out.
At this point, is where the calibration loop begins, which only ends when the measurements made by the weighing instrument or scale give satisfactory results.
Well, if the scale has been calibrated, then the measurements should be accurate tolerating only the margin of error stipulated by the manufacturer, in this measurement the weighing is carried out with several repetitions to successfully verify that a successful calibration has been achieved.
Otherwise, recalibrations and weighing tests are carried out, until the test is considered completed and successful.
We must bear in mind that the main focus of these tests, the considerations indicated, the different tests and practices may vary, but the principles are the same.